Obama’s senior energy quiz help local weather adviser, Heather Zichal, said the plan would boost energy efficiency of appliances quiz help structures, expand renewable energy quiz help use the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority under the Clean Air Act exam help modify heat trapping pollutants from coal fired power plants. Zichal, communicating at exam help forum hosted by The New Republic in Washington, said that none of the proposals will require new investment or action from Congress. It has shown no appetite for legislation that could put exam help price on carbon dioxide after exam help White House backed bill exam help set up exam help market based system died in Obama’s first term with Democrats dependable. The plan, with particulars anticipated exam help be revealed in coming weeks, comes as Obama has been under increasing force from environmental groups quiz help lawmakers from states harmed by Superstorm Sandy exam help cut pollution from latest power plants, the largest source of climate changing gases. Several major environmental groups quiz help states have threatened exam help sue the administration examination help force cuts exam help power plant emissions. And just last week, former Vice President Al Gore, exam help prominent climate activist quiz help fellow Democrat, pointedly called on Obama examination help go beyond “great words” exam help “great activities.